Marini Wedding & Decoration
Welcome To Marini Wedding
Marini Wedding adalah one stop solution bagi pasangan yang mengadakan
pernikahan di Bali.
Kami menyediakan layanan wedding organizer.
Layanan wedding organizer kami mencangkup
catering, dekorasi, dokumentasi sampai rias pengantin.
Anda tidak perlu khawatir akan kerepotan saat mengurus acara anda,
biar kami yang akan urus semuanya
Kami bisa datang ke lokasi anda untuk melakukan survey lokasi dekorasi
Semua tugas di handle oleh team kami yang telah berpengalaman menghandle acara
Alamat : Jalan Imam Bonjol No.341x, Pemecutan Klod, Kecamatan.
Denpasar Barat, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80119
HP / WA : 081916213374
Tlp : 0361 481060
Marini Wedding & Decoration
Wedding Organizer in Bali
Celebrate Your Precious Moment With Us
Marini Wedding is a professional wedding organizer in Bali specialist in
intimate weddings and elopements. We believe that beside of many couples who
want an opulent nuptial, there are also couples who prefer something different
to have a small, intimate wedding, either with just close family and friends in
a nice venue, or with just the two of them during their holiday in this
beautiful island of Gods, who also need our assistance.
We pride ourselves in our ability to create your dream wedding, by understanding
what you want and creating a wedding concept that will match not only your own
vision, but also your budget. We will suggest the best vendors to match your
style, and be the ever present and understanding coordinator throughout the
Marini Wedding
A professional wedding organizer in Bali
Decoration & Flowers
Wedding decoration with flower from Bali is so beautiful. Wedding hand bouquet,
flower posy, flower corsage, flower arch, standing flower, dinner center piece
and many other provide by our floweriest in Bali
Wedding Dress
Wedding dress will give you confidential for the special day…We proud to provide
the wedding gown both for local and foreign clients.
Hair and Make Up
Bali Wedding stylish and dresser provide so many hairs and make up option to
choose. Funky… modern…and old fashioned one for your hair?
Photographer & Videographer
Marini Wedding photo and Marini Wedding video which is offer from our
professional photographer and videographer will keep your memory for long time.
Search on Google : Marini Wedding, Marini Wedding Bali, Marini Wedding Denpasar, Marini Hair and Make Up, Bali Wedding stylish, Photographer & Videographer, Marini Wedding photo, professional photographer, Decoration & Flowers.
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Info Layanan Open / Pemesanan :
di Tempat/Online Order,
di Tempat/Online Order,
Work Hours : Monday - Saturday 08:00 Am - 09:00 Pm

Dari jam : 08:00 wita - jam 21:00 wita, Delivery Area : Denpasar, Badung & Sekitarnya. Call / WA : +6281916213374 Terima Layanan Antar ; ( Kos, Rumah, Vila, Dll )